Another post of Nie's that I adored:
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The beauty of spring.
For months a little sparrow has been nesting- in our roof vents. A safe, practical place to raise her little darlings. Today junior was pushed out and expected to become something of him/herself. Claire picked up junior and stuffed him into a bird house she made at summer camp. It took two monkey wrenches and prayers to get him/her out. Jane fed junior or a piece of cheese. Not exactly his/her idea of dinner. And when junior tried to run away from Oliver and find a safe haven up Nicholas shorts, junior was (with a firm grip) thrown right in front of Jimmys nose. (it could have been bad, except Mr. Nielson has a very firm voice and jimmy backed off).
poor junior.
Junior is safe now. He flew away just last night. I had to think about my own babies. Someday they will fly away from my nest too but not before a little wear and tear from the world. I hope I can be ready. Everyone says it goes by fast and to enjoy it. I think I get it now.
Nie finds beauty in the simple things.
I hope during her recovery she is able to have sweet dreams about those she loves and the happy times they have had.
Silent auction #2 is for this necklace:

This necklace is made from a 3/4 inch copper disc hand stamped to say "dream", the copper disc has a shiny finish. It comes with a silver plated sparrow and an 18 inch nickel plated steel ball chain.

Bids will be through the comments.
The auction will end at 10:00pm mst on Sunday, August 31st.
The winner will pay directly to the Stephanie and Christian Nielson recovery fund. Simply email me a copy of your receipt and I will ship it to you.
Thanks for helping to support a wonderful cause!
Love the bird! So pretty. I'll up the previous bid by $36.00.
This necklace is beautiful!
I will bid 50.00. Thank you.
$60 Lara
Put me down for $65, you really did an outstanding job.
75. this is beautiful.
I have many birdies that have left the nest--I bid $80. It's beautiful.
I bid $90
$100 bid from me
carolie AT wordmagix DOT com
I'll go to $110.00. yonnierob at gmail dot com
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