Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our first Giveaway! (scroll down for details)

I am blown away by all the generous bids everyone has made on behalf of Christian and Stephanie! Thank you all so much! And thank you for your interest in the pieces that were up for auction. I'm planning on having them available in my shop later this week, part of the proceeds from the sale of these necklaces will be donated to the recovery fund for the Nielsons.

As a thank you I'd like to do a giveaway this week. How will it work?

All you have to do is leave a comment here and say WHAT you'd like to win (if you'd like a custom necklace then describe it to me), and you'll be entered!
Anyone is welcome to enter. Go to my etsy shop for ideas, the NieNie necklaces are not included in the giveaway (the Nienie necklaces include the "Live in the moment" necklace and the "copper dream bird" necklace, all other necklaces are included). If you put a link to my etsy shop or my shop blog on your blog sidebar or mention the giveaway in a post and then comment here that you linked me (please include where you linked me as well) then you get 3 EXTRA ENTRIES!!! ***Please be sure to leave an email addy or a link so I can reach you when you win!***

I'll randomly choose a number from the random number generator on SUNDAY NIGHT at 8pm mst, so get your comments in soon!!!

These are the top 2 sellers from my shop:

The Family Circle Necklace

The Sweetheart Necklace

Thanks so much for visiting my blog!


Anonymous said... 2

Oh wow! this is so generous! I would love to win a custom piece. I just had a little boy and asked my best friend to be his godmother. I would love to have a disc with "commère" stamped on it with a pearl or blue crystal hanging in the center. Thanks!

Jan said... 3

I love love, love the 'tiny tags' necklace -- I'm a grandma and I'd have to add extra names but what a beautiful way to keep those little ones close to me! I love it!

kristin and matt said... 4

the family circle necklace is my fave. such a great piece to wear everyday!

Malinovka said... 5

Hi!! I just put up a post on my blog about your giveaway and included links to your Etsy shop and blog. I'm LOVING the 1 1/2" copper disk with the charm to have stamped with either family names or the sisters sentiment. That turned out SO cute by the way--and I loved the sisters post you did to introduce that new design. Hope you get lots of looks!

Crystal said... 6

I love the family circle pendant! I know if I don't win I am going to need to buy one of those with my 4 kids names on it. Too cute.

Jennifer70 said... 7

I really like the family circle pendant. Very cool. Thanks.

Anonymous said... 9

Hello again! I linked you into my blog this afternoon. http://babymonkeytree.blogspot.com/
my email, which I forgot in my first post (ops!) is abi@monkeytreecreations.com. Thanks again! abi

Alissa said... 10

i totally linked you on my blog... even before it was cool (aka entered me into a contest!) to link...

i absolutely adore the family circle pendant.

Anonymous said... 11

I visited your blog and your jewelry is great - it was fun to see Drew and Jake's name staring back at me in the photo!

~April~ said... 12

I absolutely LOVE the "follow your heart" necklace. It's especially meaningful in my life right now. I will also link you in my blog...

And my email...
crazykids DOT insanemom DOT ajw AT gmail.com

All your things are so cute! I'm thinking Christmas presents now! :)

Anonymous said... 13

Hi! I am not sure if it is over yet... I just discovered your blog and cute jewelry thanks to the Nie Nie auction. Well, I just got married 3 weeks ago in France (we are living in Singapore) with my wonderful australian husband. I would love a pendant with both our names + date and a river pearl to remember this great day. But even if I don't win, I would like to ask you if you would like to create a couple of pieces for me as I want to thank my sisters and best friends who helped me to organize this wedding (everybody living in a different country all over the world!).
So in any case I look forward to hearing from you :)

thtr4me said... 14

I love the family circle necklace, but would love one as a bracelet. Is that possible? Hoping it is and that I win ;)!

Carrie said... 15

Your things are wonderful. I would love the 'tiny tags' necklace. Not sure we are done having kids, so it would be great to add on to also!
I'm going to link you on my FB page. I don't know if that counts for the extra, but your stuff is too great to not show off to others! Thanks...(carrie_freckles on TBW)

carmela said... 16

What beautiful jewellery! I would love to win a copper mother's necklace. Since I only have one child (for now), I would love her full name and birthdate stamped on it. Too many pretty things to choose from, though!

Shauna said... 17

Your jewelry is beautiful! I would love a family circle pendant.

I linked you on my blog, www.thejanssentribe.blogspot.com.



Lexi said... 18

I am really liking the sweetheart necklace. Very cute!

*Crossing my fingers to win*

silvermoonbeam1979{at}yahoo dot com

LadyLeslie said... 19

I'd love to win a beautiful necklace! I would love a metal bead floating in the middle of a metal circle that says "hear me roar".

You do beautiful work! ^_^

Anonymous said... 20

I love the copper mother's necklace. I just had a baby girl and I would love to have a necklace with her name and my son's name by my heart at all times :)

Anonymous said... 21

i love your items! I would love a pendant with "i love you" "te amo" j'taime" on it.
We are a trilingual family!

Charlotte said... 23

I just put a post on my blog about your shop. Hopefully it can help get some more traffic for you. :) I love the sisters necklace you did! So cute! I'm trying to think of some original one too that I might want you to do. I'll have to let you know on that one when I come up with something. :)

Sarah said... 24

I love the sweetheart necklace. You are so generous!

Dianna said... 25

I think I'd pick either the Shine Brightly necklace or the Sister necklace. Everything is great!

Anonymous said... 26

I posted your link on my blog too, so hopefully I can send more people your way. I love the Family Circle necklace (no surprise it's a best seller) with my daughter's name, "Eliette".

You have beautiful jewelry, and I plan on ordering some for Christmas.


Erica said... 27

I would love to see my three kids names on a circle or square, with some kind of crystal/diamond looking stone representing their April birth month.

Erica said... 28

I have linked you at my blog, and my email is teakkwyatt.blogpsot.com

Karlise said... 30

I'd love one of your Tiny Tags necklaces on a silver chain with the names Logan, Ian and Bella.

I put your contest up on my blog as well.

jennifer said... 31

Your jewelry is wonderful! I really like the Copper Mother's necklace.

i blogged about your contest....

Jenn said... 32

I adore the Tiny Tags necklace, Maybe if I don't win.. My hubby will get me one for Christmas.. I also posted on my blog about your gorgeous necklaces.


Anonymous said... 33

I saw your site on a friend's blog. I love the family circle necklace! Your jewelry is beautiful.


Happy Wanderers said... 34

So I FINALLY figured out how to get here! (Thanks to Charlotte's blog) I'm going to link your store on my blog, too, and see if I can't get you some more traffic! I have to say, that I think these are the cutest necklaces! I LOVE the Sisters one...even if I don't win, I think I'll get one... :)

kamewh said... 35

I love the Family Circle necklace! I have always wanted something like this!

Casey said... 36

The Nienie dream bird necklace moved me so much, it literally brought tears to my eyes. I would LOVE a family circle or sweetheart necklace....or even something custom with a bird charm like the Nienie?

I had a dream when I was young that I was a white dove and flew away from a very troubled childhood....so doves mean a lot to me.

jen said... 37

I would LOVE the family circle necklace w/ a bit larger circle to fit all the names and a green accent w/ the pearl. :)

I linked you on my blog

jennidurbin AT gmail DOT com

Working Mama said... 38

I love the "Blessed Beyond Measure" necklace - it is a wonderful thing to remember - we are so blessed!

Michele P. said... 39

I really like the sweetheart necklace since this is the year hubby and I celebrate our 10th anniversary! thank you for having this giveaway!

micaela695 at msn dot com

janetfaye said... 40

I love the Family Circle necklace.

I think it is beautiful.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said... 41

I blogged this giveaway.


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Erin said... 43

Hi! I came across your page from the NieNie auctions. Your stuff is so cute, I should start making my Christmas list now. Anyway, if I were going to win something, I'd like a piece that says "All you have to do is start" on copper. With some sort of charm (a star maybe). Thanks!

Mary Katherine said... 44

I would love to win the copper mother's necklace. All of your things are so lovely. Thank you!

Anonymous said... 45

I would totally love the petite name necklace with my name Arena on it. Awesome designs!

Jadey said... 46

I love the sweetheart necklace. I know many of my newly married/engaged friends that would love one...great gift idea!

I will add you to my blog sidebar, so that more people can check you out.


Jadey said... 47

Ok, I am doing a blog with friends and I don't think I have access to add you to my sidebar, but I did make a post about your fabulous jewelry. I would love a sweetheart necklace with Nathan & Elizabeth 7.28.07

Rachel said... 48

I love your work so much! I fell in love with your Nie Nie pieces and then saw the giveaway on TBW, it would be awesome to win your Blessed Beyond Measure necklace- it's such a lovely sentiment :)

Annie1 said... 49

I adore the Live In The Moment Necklace! I think I'd probably be holding it all of the time, reminding myself to do just that, Live In the Moment!

You are very talented and your work is beautiful.

I hope this is open to Canadians!


K said... 51

I just love the circle of love necklace, it's adorable & I would love to show it off :D

If I don't win, it will go on my wish list for dh ;)

(kbdy on TBW)

Ilissa said... 52

I love the Follow Your Heart necklace, Silver heart on a hand stamped copper disc. It is lovely. Thanks for the chance! :)

Ilissa said... 53

I just wanted to let you know that I blogged about your giveaway here: http://everythingupclose.blogspot.com/

Thanks for the chance. You have lovely items in your etsy store.

Jen said... 54

Love the family circle necklace! You do great work! ;)

email: jenser1981 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 55

I just found your store today! You have some absolutely beautiful jewelry. I would LOVE to win a copper heart petite name necklace with my daughter's name in it! It's beautiful! I would have to find a different chain for it, though, since I'm allergic to nickel.

I'm going to link to your store in my website, but probably not the giveaway since it's the last day.

m said... 56

the family circle necklace is very sweet. I twittered about you :)

Anonymous said... 57

What beautiful necklaces. I think the family name pendant is such a great one!

Anonymous said... 58

What beautiful necklaces. I think the family name pendant is such a great one!

JAN said... 59

wow gorgeous jewellery indeed i adore the copper petite name necklace really classy and i love the two tone look